Cleric tasks newly ordained Reverends to adhere to ethics of the Church
By: Femi Mustapha
The President of United Church of Christ in Nigeria (UCCN) also known as HEKAN Church, Rev (Dr.) Amos G. Kiri has admonished newly promoted Reverence in the Church not to pride themselves or be deceived that “they have arrived” and neglect the quality, output and obedience to the one who called them in the first place to serve him in his vineyard.
He gave the admonition during the Ordination service of newly promoted pastors held at the HEKAN Center Kaduna yesterday.
According to him, It is mandatory for them to uphold the constitution and ordinances of HEKAN and remain faithful to your calling.
He further urged them to remember that being ordained, as a Reverend is not the end of the ladder, there are more steps to take to reach the peak in the ministry.
“There is no doubt that trials and temptations will come your way, but when such moments come, always look up to the one who called you.
“To all of you that will be ordained today, I want to let you know that your promotion to Reverends was based on the merits and recommendations from your respective Local Church Councils (LCCs) District Church Councils (DCC’s), departments and as approved by General Church Council (GCC). And the recommendation for your promotion is based on the abilities and capabilities they saw in you.

“The Pastors Council that did the promotion interview did so to ascertain the recommendations and endorsements received. There are some candidates who attended the promotion interview, but did not do it for obvious reasons.
“You that scaled through did so because it is God’s divine will for you to be ordained today. Therefore, I urge you not to fail those who believe in you to be a worthy Reverend in the delivery of your duties.”
Rev. Kiri said the HEKAN General church has also created three additional District Church Councils to bring the church closer to the people expand God’s kingdom here on earth.

The decision to create the three additional District Church Councils according to him was part of several decisions taken by the General Church Council Meeting, held over the weekend
The newly created District Church Councils Are HEKAN DCC Jalingo, Taraba state with its Headquarters in Jalingo, HEKAN DCC Yola, Adamawa State with its Headquarters in Yola and HEKAN DCC Kuya with its Headquarters in Kuya
The Church has also transferred numbers of it’s pastors from their present station in the areas
This is also to meet the church need and for effective service delivery, reach the unreachable
The Transfer will take effect from First January 2023″ he said