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NewsCoalition organizes budget  tracking for Kaduna MDAs, involved in  the Social Protection...

Coalition organizes budget  tracking for Kaduna MDAs, involved in  the Social Protection interventions

Coalition organizes budget  tracking for Kaduna MDAs, involved in  the Social Protection interventions

By: Femi  Mustapha

The  Kaduna  Social   Protection  Accountability Coalition (KADSPAC) has   organized a two-day intensive  budget monitoring  and tracking for the Ministry, Department, and Agencies  responsible for Social Protection (SP) intervention in Kaduna

Speaking at the start of the engagement, the  Chairman of KADSPAC  Jessica  Bartholomew said that the Budget tracking would enable the MDAs to present to the public funds allocated for social protections, the releases, cash backing, and budget performance.

She disclosed that the engagement was supported by Save the Children  International  (SCI) to update the participants on Tracking the 2022/2023 Social Protections Intervention budgets and this will raise the bar of transparency and accountability.

In his remarks, the  Kaduna  State Team lead of SCI Mr.  Tanko   Mohammed Langaya said his organization has always been in support of  SP interventions in Kaduna state.

He lauded  KADSPAC for its unwavering commitment to  SP programs in the state, saying the state has become a role model for other states concerning SP programs.

The Chairman  of the Evidence  Committee  of  KADSPAC  Shola Ojo explained that the    objectives   of  the engagement are to reflect on the 2022/2023 budget with a focus on Social Protection budget lines,
Facilitate dialogue with desk officers across Social Protection implementing MDAs.

“Others include generating workable approaches to improve deliverables in the Social Protection budget in terms of releases and cash backing and  outcome up with the next step(s) to strengthen government and civil society partnership on Social Protection.” He said

In his presentation titled “Budget Analysis” the  Social Protection Adviser, Victor  Ogharanduku explained Budget Analysis as the Process of  Looking at the actual incomes and Expenditures and comparing them to the proposed budget.

He explained that Budget analysis
harps on Total  Expenditures and total revenue.

The total expenditures Victor said are divided into 3 subs, namely:  Benefits, administrative, and others expenditures saying the
total Revenue is divided also into such sub as General Government Contributions, Donors budget support, and other receipts

He stressed that before analysing a  budget, it’s important to first develop the budget itself, considering researching various methods of budgeting and choosing one that works best for the MDA situation. You may wish to collaborate with colleagues to help decide which kind of budget to use.

Victor added that after choosing a budget type the next step is to, think about the time frame to use for the budget analysis.

‘When you’ve determined a budgeting strategy and time frame, you can begin tracking the MDA budget information.

” Keep track of expenditures and income across the. Many budgeting methods require the itemization of income and expenses, so be aware of the details necessary in your budget strategy.

“Based on the time frame you’ve chosen, evaluate the MDA  budget information. Consider whether the expenditures or income is greater and why.

“You can use the information from one budget cycle to set up for the next. This means that your end total for your selected period becomes the beginning amount for the next cycle.

” Remember to make any necessary changes based on your budget analysis.

“Budget analysis can be a useful way to figure out how financially healthy an MDA is at any given time.

” It can also help you make predictions about the financial future. When you analyse a  budget, see if you notice any trends and determine whether you can forecast future budget information based on that data. ” He said

Many participants at the engagement expressed dismay over budget releases that are not cashback. This, according to them is responsible for low-budget performance in the some MDAs

In his  contribution, the  Secretary Appropriation and Implementation Committee of Kaduna State House of Assembly  Lawal Isah said MDAs should ensure to  always present a realistic budget so that it will be easy for members to pass it

He also pledged to address issues related to non-releases and cash backing for some MDAs (SEMA, Pension Board), which play a crucial role in addressing Social Protection vulnerabilities.

Similarly,  the  Advocacy and Communication Coordinator of SCI Murjanatu Kabir hinted that after the validation of the track budget, it will be disseminated to the public.


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