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NewsNetwork presents Kaduna State Review Climate Change Policy to Commissioner

Network presents Kaduna State Review Climate Change Policy to Commissioner

Network presents Kaduna  State  Review Climate Change Policy to Commissioner


By: Femi  Mustspha



In the spirit of the Open Government Partnership, which the state signed in 2018 to promote transparency, accountability and citizen participation, the Network of Civil Society in Environment in collaboration with Kaduna Local Government Accountability Mechanism and OpenGov Innovation Hub facilitated a technical session to review the state draft climate change policy.

This comes after a careful critique of the policy document; a review which was presented during a courtesy visit to the office of the Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Abubakar Buba.

The team leader, Director of the Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL) Mr Adejor, said that the review became necessary after careful observation of some inconsistencies in the format of the policy document.

“The draft climate change policy review serves as a comprehensive assessment of the existing draft climate change policy within our jurisdiction. Recognizing the urgency and global significance of climate change, this review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the current draft policy, identify gaps, and propose strategic recommendations for the Commissioner’s consideration.”

“It was observed that the draft Kaduna State Climate Change policy was adopted from the National Climate Change policy. It is understood that the sub-nationals are meant to domesticate the National Climate Change Policy. Domestication of a national policy at the sub-national level refers to the process of adapting and implementing a policy that originates from the central government to the local context and needs of the sub-national.”

“I like us to reflect and take learnings from different policy documents that have been produced by the state such as the previous Kaduna State SDP, Education policy, Health Strategic plan, The Education sector donor coordination framework, The Kaduna State Contingency plan, these policies have followed the usual policy development process having wide consultations with the draft document made public for inputs. Accountability mechanisms/Networks/Cohorts/Coalitions within the state that work in line with any of such documents are allowed to call for consultations among its members.

“This is to ensure that any of such documents reflect the voices of the citizens and the current realities of the situation on the ground which adds to the credibility of the document and promotes participatory governance as it is practiced in Kaduna State. Having signed up for the Open Government Partnership in 2018, I can boldly and proudly say that “we”, Kaduna State are better off when we have wider consultations.”

“We recommend that an implementation framework should be developed and attached to the policy document. This will provide more details on how the policy will be operationalized, monitored, and evaluated.”

“The policy should be consistent with the State Development Plan, which is the overarching framework for all policies in the state. It should also support the government’s sustainable agenda and contribute to the global goal of SDG 13 (Climate Action).”

“The policy document addressed very important issues, but the implementation of this policy requires scrutiny to ensure the effectiveness of all aspects of the policy.”

“The Ministry of Environment should see to the creation of a co-created mechanism for dialogue with state and non-state actors which is very essential, just as what we have in Health, Education, and Local Government.”

“Lastly, The document addressed important components and concepts, however careful consideration and attention are needed for the successful implementation of this policy to ensure its efficacy.”

As a response, the Commissioner of the Ministry, Abubakar Buba, expressed his delight at the time and dedication accorded to the policy draft by the Stakeholders, saying it shows how dedicated they are  ensuring the State progresses for good.

He revealed that the document was sent to the various stakeholders to get their views and recommendations for better implementation.

“The go-ahead has been given to us by the governor to ensure that all relevant Stakeholders are engaged in all State activities so that the citizens can have a say.”

“The Ministry is charged with the responsibility to engage the Civil Society in the activities of governance to have citizen participation and show the world that we operate on Open Government.”

“As regards the policy document, we released the document for people to critique, but it has not been effected because we wanted your recommendations on it.”

The Commissioner promised to take into consideration, the recommendations of the Stakeholders to have a well-furnished State Policy for climate change.


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