ACOMIN Laments Shortage of Health Workers in GF-Supported Health Facilities
From: Femi Mustapha
The Global Fund and the Civil Society in Malaria Control, Immunisation and Nutrition (ACOMIN) have expressed concern over the shortage of Health Workers Across Most of the GF Supported Health Facilities in Kaduna State and the slow pace of execution of intervention programs in the Health sector due to deficiency of funds.
The State Program Officer (SPO )Ogidi Nicodemus stated this during an Advocacy visit to the Kaduna State
Primary Healthcare Development Board, says that no health intervention succeeds without putting all the needed foot soldiers in place.
Mr. Ogidi with support from the State coordinator having critically analyzed the issues and the implications if not urgently addressed, stressed that at this point, there’s a need to consider the volunteers for permanent recruitment.
He opined that the over-concentration of efforts on the 225 upgraded PHCs located at Ward’s levels is wrong, as the people living in the hard-to-reach communities need more health services than those within the metropolitan area.
While emphasizing the need to give every facility the desired support for optimal health services delivery, the Group called for increased allocation of resources to complement donors’ efforts on the GF AIDS, TB, and Malaria project in Kaduna State.
“We all understand the importance of health workers on the GF-supported intervention and services can’t be strengthened without them. The Project works purely on service strengthening and how then will it achieve its objectives if those needed to champion the course are not fully engaged.”
Speaking on the progress made in the malaria Intervention campaign, Ibrahim said that a lot of efforts have been devoted to achieving malaria control but that it is important to shift emphasis to the elimination of the malaria scourge in the country.

While giving an update on the activities of the malaria Intervention campaign in Kaduna State the State Program Officer, Mr. Ogidi said even though Kaduna State has increased its health budget he said there are still funding inadequacies in the Health sector which he said had adversely affected the smooth implementation of the anti-malaria program in the state.
While emphasizing the need to give every facility the desired support for optimal health services delivery, the Group called for increased allocation of resources to complement donors’ efforts on the GF AIDS, TB, and Malaria project in Kaduna State.
“We all understand the importance of health workers on the GF-supported intervention and services can’t be strengthened without them. The Project works purely on service strengthening and how will it achieve its objectives if those needed to champion the course are not fully engaged.”